Ambler GKK Goju-Ryu Karate-do Kyokai
Yakusoku Kumite (One Steps)
Yakusoku Kumite – Jodan (One Steps)
Yamakura Shihan One Steps-Jodan
Attacker takes three steps - Right sanchin, left sanchin , right zenkutsu dachi with right front punch to face.
1) Naka Taka Ken:
Step back to left sanchin. Block left jodan uke. Step forward into right 90 degree shiko dachi. Punch right naka taka ken. Note: punch should be done with shita zuki (palm up) , elbow braced against side. Also, control attackers right arm with your left hand.
2) Seiken zuki:
Step back to right sanchin. Block right jodan uke. Step forward to left 45 degree shiko dachi. Punch left seiken zuki ( not shita zuki ) to the body.
3)Mawashi geri:
Step straight to left side ducking right shoulder down and forward to avoid attack (no block). Pivot into right neko ashi dachi and kick mawashi geri with the right instep to the body as the attack comes in.
4) Furi uchi:
Step back into left sanchin. Left sliding or push block ( taisho ) open hand outside to in. Step forward diagonally to the outside of attackers front leg into shiko dachi. Opponents should be right hip to right hip. Strike right furi uchi to attackers left temple.
5) Shuto:
Step directly to right side into right reverse, zen. Block left ura shuto uke. Pivot into left zen and strike right shuto uchi to neck or temple. Emphasis on snap in hip twist coinciding with strike.
6) Riken:
Pivot back on fight foot into 90 degree heiko dachi. Block right ude uke outside to in (some say no block). Immediately strike right riken to face.
7) Nage
Step back to left sanchin. Left sliding or push block ( taisho ), open hand, outside to in. Step forward diagonally to outside of attackers front leg into right zen. Opponents should be right hip to right hip. ( Much like #4 ) Strike right ridge hand to neck or chest, then grab attacker’s shoulder or gi. Continue momentum, drop, and throw attacker down and to the left. Control attacker’s right arm. Kick down with right fumi geri to body. Follow with punch is optional.
Yakusoku Kumite – Chudan (One Steps)
Yamakura Shihan One Steps-Chudan
1) Jodan Zuki:
Step straight to right side into right reverse zen. Block left gedan-uke. Pivot to left zen. Punch right seiken-zuki to face. Note: Pivot and punch happen at the same time using body movement in punch.
2) Chudan Zuki:
Step straight to left side into left reverse zen. Block right gedan-uke. Pivot into right zen. Punch left seiken-zuki to body. Note: Pivot and punch happen at the same time using body movement in punch.
3) Tate Ken:
Step back into left ha-zen (high front stance). At the same time the left hand blocks by pressing down and the right hand punches tate ken to the face. All moves are simultaneous – stance, open hand press down block, and vertical punch.
4) Break:
Step back to right sanchin. Block right yoko-uke. Step into left zen to (your) left of their front leg (right leg). Turn blocking hand over grabbing their striking arm. Pivot into right zen. At the same time strike just above attackers elbow with left forearm, outside to in. Note: Right hand pulls to side in hike te, left hand is open as in Shisochin kata.
5) Kansetsu-Geri:
Step directly to left into right rei-no-ji-dachi. Block right soe-uke (reinforced yoko-uke). Kick right kansetsu geri to attacker’s right knee. Kick should slide down into back of knee to force attacker’s knee to bend in natural way (forward and down)
6) Mae geri:
Step back into left neko ashi dachi. Block left palm up scoop block. Kick right mae geri chudan. Moves as in Saifa kata.