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Ambler GKK Seminar Oct 22, 2022

On Saturday, October 15th 2022, the Ambler GKK dojo was pleased to host Shihan Yamakura and Sensei Myers for the first time in several years. Classes were held at each belt level with higher belts welcome to join the lower belt studies which meant that the class size was much larger at the beginning of the day than at the end. After a warmup and kihon where Sensei Myers demonstrated good kicking foot positioning, the white belts were introduced to Geki Sai Ichi. This was the first time many of them had performed this kata as the Ambler GKK uses basic dojo katas for white belts, but the students enthusiastically learned the moves that they had seen green belts practicing. Keeping with our family-themed groups, we also welcomed a new adult student (who has two sons in the class) that morning who now plans to join the dojo.


As we moved on through green belt and brown belt classes, Shihan increased his observations and focused more on applications and stances. The green belts learned about the origins of Kihon kata and how Shihan’s teacher had taught him this particular kata. The green belts also participated in sparring and learned about how to use their partners’ moves to their advantage. After a quick lunch break, the brown belts performed kata as a group and individually with feedback from Shihan. This feedback was very helpful as it gave each brown belt one aspect of their kata upon which to focus. The brown belt class performed Saifa, Seiunchin, Tensho, Ukeno and learned the motions of Sanseiru. Sensei Myers helped the brown belts get through this kata which was brand new to them. Shihan explained that his teacher had given him two katas – Kihon and Ukeno – to teach and reminded us that it was important to do those katas in a manner that demonstrates his teaching.


Finally, after many hours of training, it was the black belts’ turn. All katas were performed as a group through Suparinpai and Sanchin testing was demonstrated to show the black belts how to test stances and positioning. Katas were performed in different directions and then each black belt did an individual kata with Shihan and another black belt giving one point of feedback to the student performing the kata. The black belt class concluded with Yakusoku Kumite at both the jodan and chudan levels.


After a very long day, we gathered for dinner at a local restaurant. We were very thankful to Shihan Yamakura and Sensei Myers for the learning and the  fellowship that took place and look forward to hosting more such events in the future.,-pa-dojo-on-oct-15,-2022

Taira Sensei Workshop led by Chuck Nuccio Feb 2020

Ambler Area YMCA GKK karate hosted a Taira Sensei workshop on Feb 16, 2020. Thanks to Chuck Nuccio, John and Nancy Eccles and Chris Langello for teaching. In addition had visitors from dojo’s up and down the east coast including Tanka Ramos’s dojo. Thanks to help of our Sensei Bill Kane for hosting the seminar. (+Howard who is not pictured)

Taira Seminar Nuccio Jan 2020 IMG_0538.J

Winter Promotion Dec 2019

Ambler Area YMCA GKK karate held a winter  testing event on Friday Dec 13 .  Congratulations to all.

Ambler Dec 2019 Promotion IMG-6564.jpg

Taira Sensei Workshop led by Chuck Nuccio Nov 2018

Ambler Area YMCA GKK karate hosted a Taira Sensei workshop on Nov 13, 2018. Thanks to Sensei Chris, Bill, Chuck and Tanka. It was a great day of sharing. Sensei Chuck made sure we left with our brains full.

Taira Seminar Nov 2018 IMG_0525.JPG

Spring Promotion June 2018

Ambler Area YMCA GKK karate held a spring testing event on Friday & Saturday, June 1&2nd. A total of 16 people received promotions with the assistance of 8 blackbelts and Sensei Kane. A number of students were unable to attend formal testing and will be examined individually in the coming weeks.  5 new students received their GKK patches. Congratulations to all.

Ju Seminar by Sensei Stamper April 28-29 2017


Ambler GKK Promotion on Mar 31, 2017


Mark Kapel Goju Ryu Seminar in March 18,  2017 (based on teaching of Taira Sensei)

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