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Ambler GKK Goju-Ryu Karate-do Kyokai
Nihon-Go | English |
Seiza | To sit down in formal manner. (left knee to floor first) |
Mokuso | To close eyes, and to mediate or concentrate on the task at hand by first emptying your mind of all outside concerns. |
Mokuso Yame | To open your eyes |
Shomen Ni Tashite Rei | To bow to the front of the room usually representative of the respect you for the style you are practicing. |
Sensei Ni Tashite Rei | To bow to your instructors |
Otagai Ni Rei | To bow to each other out of mutual respect. |
Nihon-Go | English |
Kamaete | To guard or set in ready position as in preparation for basic exercise, used only for basics |
Naote | To go back as you were, return to musabi dachi. |
Yooi | To set in ready for the beginning of kata. |
Hajime | To begin |
Mawatte | To turn or pivot |
Nihon-Go | English |
Hiki te | The hand or fist to be in ready position by the side of the chest |
Hiki Ashi | The leg which is raised in preparation for kicking |
Tsuki Te | The striking fist |
Uke Te | The blocking hand |
Keri Ashi | The kicking leg |
Maai | The distance between you and your opponent |
Tomeru | To pull back a striking or kicking motion |
Ateru | To make contact |
Kiai | The vocalization of your concentrated effort. |
Nihon-Go | English |
Ashi Kubi | Ankle |
Ude | Arm |
Se Naka | Back |
Jo Soku tei | Ball of Foot |
Karada | Body |
Mune | Chest |
Ago | Chin |
Mimi | Ear |
Hiji, Empi | Elbow |
Me | Eyes |
Kao | Face |
Yubi | Fingers/Toes |
Te | Hand |
Ken Tsui | Hammer Hand |
Kami, Ke | Hair |
Atama | Head |
Kakato | Heel |
Koshi, Shiri | Hips |
Sok-ko | Instep |
Kan Setsu | Joint |
Hiza | Knee |
Ashi, Soku | Leg |
Kuchi | Mouth |
Kubi | Neck |
Hana | Nose |
Kata | Shoulders |
Hara | Stomach |
Ha | Teeth |
Tsuma Saki | Tips/Toes |
Koshi | Waist |
Nihon-Go | English |
Ue | Above |
Ushiro | Back |
Shita | Below |
Man Naka | Center |
En | Circle |
Naname | Diagonal |
Mae | Front |
Hidari | Left |
Sen/Embusen | Line |
Gedan | Lower |
Chudan | Middle |
Migi | Right |
Yoko | Side |
Jodan | Upper |
Nihon-Go | English |
Rei | Bow |
Mokuso | Close Eyes |
Kamete | Get Ready |
Yoi | Ready |
Naotte | Resume |
Seiza | Sit Down |
Hajime | Start |
Matte | Stop |
Yamette | Stop |
Magatte | Turn 90 Deg. |
Mawatte | Turn 180 Dig |
Nihon-Go | English |
Ichi | One |
Ni | Two |
San | Three |
Shi | Four |
Go | Five |
Roko | Six |
Shichi | Seven |
Hachi | Eight |
Ku | Nine |
Ju | Ten |
Nihon-Go | English |
Musubi Dachi Shizentai No Kamae | Stand in Musabi Dachi with hands to the side |
Musubi Dachi Kogen Uke No Kamae | Stand in Musani Dachi with hands protecting the groin area |
Haiko Dachi Yooi No Kamae | Stand in Heiko Dachi with hands in tight fists to the side |
Nihon-Go | English |
Sanchin Dachi Sanchin No Kamae | Stand in Sanchin Dachi with arms in double Yoko Uke |
Shiko Dachi Sanchin No Kamae | Stand in Shiko Dachi with arms in double Yoko Uke (Sanchin posture) |
Sanchin Dachi Seiken Zuki No Kamae | Stand in Sanchin Dachi, extend fist into seiken zuki strike (posture of seiken zuki |
Shiko Dachi Seiken Zuki No Kamae | Stand in Shiko Dachi with arm extended into seiken posture |
Sanchin Dachi Shuto UchiNo Kamae | Stand in Sanchin Dachi with hand in shuto uchi position |
Sanchin Dachi Furi Uchi No Kamae | Stand in Sanchin Dachi with hand in furi uchi position |
Heiko Dachi Keri No Kamae | Stand in Haiko Dachi with hands in belts in preparation for kicking |
Neko Ashi Dachi Neko Ashi No Kamae | Stand in Neko Ashi (Cat Stance) Dachi with arms in sparring posture |
Nihon-Go | English |
Seiunchin No Kamae | Stand in Shiko Dachi with both hand in Osae Uke (push down block) position |
Hari Uke No Kamae | Stand in Shiko Dachi with arms positioned in the Hari Uke posture (Archer’s Block) |
Yama Uke No Kamae | Stand in Neko Ashi Dachi, with both hands in Yama Uke posture (Mountain Shape Block) |
Inu No Kamae | Stand in Shiko Dachi with both hands in Kakuto Uke posture (Crane Head), (Dog Posture) |
Seipai No Kamae | Stand in Shiko Dachi with both hands in shuto uchi posture |
Tsuru No Kamae | Stand in Neko Ashi Dachi with both hands extended to either side in Kakuto Uke (Crane Head) posture position (Dog Posture) |
Kururunfa No Kamae | Stand in Uchi Hachi Dachi with both arms extended to either side with hands in Shuto Uke posture. Kata posture |
Nihon-Go | English |
Onegaishimasu | Please instruct us |
Domo Arigato Gozamashita | Thank you for teaching us |
Mo ichi do | One more time |
Gorei nashi | Execute kata without command |
Nihon-Go | English |
Age zuki | Upward strike |
Empi uchi | Elbow strike |
Furi uchi | Whipping strike |
Hiato uchi | Ridge hand strike |
Hiji ate | Rising elbow strike |
Kakuto ate | Chicken neck strike |
Mawashi uraken uchi | Spinning backfist strike |
Seiken mawashi tsuki | Roundhouse punch |
Seiken tsuki | Reverse punch |
Shita zuki | Close punch |
Shuto uchi | Knife hand strike |
Sto | Chop |
Teisho ate | Palm heel strike |
Tettsui uchi | Hammer fist strike |
Uraken uchi | Backfist strike |
Tate Ken | Vertical Fist |
Riken | Back Fist |
Hiato uchi | Ridge hand strike |
Hiji ate | Rising elbow strike |
Kakuto ate | Chicken neck strike |
Nihon-Go | English |
Kakato geri | Heel kick |
Kansetso geri | Knee-joint kick |
Kogen geri | Groin kick |
Mae geri | Front kick |
Mawashi ushiro geri | Spinning back kick |
Mikazuki geri | Crescent kick |
Sokuto geri | Side kick |
Ushiro geri | Back kick |
Yoko geri | Round kick |
Nihon-Go | English |
Age uke | Rising block |
Gedan bari | Downward block |
Haraiotoshi uke | Downward sweeping block |
Joge uke | Double middle block |
Ju ji uke | "X" block |
Kake uke | Hooking block |
Kakuto uke | Chicken neck block |
Mawashi uke | Windmill block (circle block) |
Osae uke | Pressing block |
Shuto uke | Knife hand block |
Soe uke | Union block |
Sto uke | Chop block |
Teisho uke | Palm heel block |
Tsukami uke | Grasping block |
Ude uke | Forearm block |
Ura uke | Back hand block |
Yama uke | Mountain block |
Yoko uke | Side block |
Nihon-Go | English |
Hachi Ji dachi | Figure Eight stance |
Heiko dachi | Parallel stance |
Heisoku dachi | Fan shaped stance |
Kokusto dachi | Back Leaning stance |
Musubi dachi | Formal attention stance |
Neko ashi dachi | Cat stance |
Re no ji dachi | ‘Re’ (Check mark) stance |
Sanchin dachi | Tension stance |
Shiko dachi | Sumo stance |
Zenkutso dachi | Front stance |
Nihon-Go | English |
Ji Yu Kumite | Free Style sparring |
Ran Geki | Sparring without stance movement (toe-to-toe) |
Yaku Soku Kumite | Pre-arranged sparring (one-steps) |
Zen Shin Zuki | Body Shifting exercise |
Shomen | Front of the room |
Nihon-Go | English |
Taikyoko Jodan, Chudan, and Gedan | Beginning |
Gekisai Ichi, Ni and San | To attack and crush |
Sanchin | Three conflicts |
Tensho | Rotating Palm |
Saifa | To crush into pieces and destroy |
Seiunchin | To control by pulling inward |
Sanseiru | 36 Hand positions |
Shisochin | To defeat the four side |
Seisan | 13 hand positions |
Seipai | 18 hand positions |
Kururunfa | To remain still, then (suddenly) to crush and destroy |
Suparrenpei (Petchurin) | 108 meanings |
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