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Nihon-Go English
Seiza To sit down in formal manner. (left knee to floor first)
Mokuso To close eyes, and to mediate or concentrate on the task at hand by first emptying your mind of all outside concerns.
Mokuso Yame To open your eyes
Shomen Ni Tashite Rei To bow to the front of the room usually representative of the respect you for the style you are practicing.
Sensei Ni Tashite Rei To bow to your instructors
Otagai Ni Rei To bow to each other out of mutual respect.



Nihon-Go  English
Kamaete To guard or set in ready position as in preparation for basic exercise, used only for basics
Naote To go back as you were, return to musabi dachi.
Yooi To set in ready for the beginning of kata.
Hajime To begin
Mawatte To turn or pivot



Nihon-Go  English
Hiki te The hand or fist to be in ready position by the side of the chest
Hiki Ashi The leg which is raised in preparation for kicking
Tsuki Te The striking fist
Uke Te The blocking hand
Keri Ashi The kicking leg
Maai The distance between you and your opponent
Tomeru To pull back a striking or kicking motion
Ateru To make contact
Kiai The vocalization of your concentrated effort.



Nihon-Go English
Ashi Kubi Ankle
Ude Arm
Se Naka Back
Jo Soku tei Ball of Foot
Karada Body
Mune Chest
Ago Chin
Mimi Ear
Hiji, Empi Elbow
Me Eyes
Kao Face
Yubi Fingers/Toes
Te Hand
Ken Tsui Hammer Hand
Kami, Ke Hair
Atama Head
Kakato Heel
Koshi, Shiri Hips
Sok-ko Instep
Kan Setsu Joint
Hiza Knee
Ashi, Soku Leg
Kuchi Mouth
Kubi Neck
Hana Nose
Kata Shoulders
Hara Stomach
Ha Teeth
Tsuma Saki Tips/Toes
Koshi Waist



Nihon-Go English
Ue Above
Ushiro Back
Shita Below
Man Naka Center
En Circle
Naname Diagonal
Mae Front
Hidari Left
Sen/Embusen Line
Gedan Lower
Chudan Middle
Migi Right
Yoko Side
Jodan Upper



Nihon-Go  English
Rei Bow
Mokuso Close Eyes
Kamete Get Ready
Yoi Ready
Naotte Resume
Seiza Sit Down
Hajime Start
Matte Stop
Yamette Stop
Magatte Turn 90 Deg.
Mawatte Turn 180 Dig




Nihon-Go English
Ichi One
Ni Two
San Three
Shi Four
Go Five
Roko Six
Shichi Seven
Hachi Eight
Ku Nine
Ju Ten



Nihon-Go English
Musubi Dachi Shizentai No Kamae Stand in Musabi Dachi with hands to the side
Musubi Dachi Kogen Uke No Kamae Stand in Musani Dachi with hands protecting the groin area
Haiko Dachi Yooi No Kamae Stand in Heiko Dachi with hands in tight fists to the side



Nihon-Go English
Sanchin Dachi Sanchin No Kamae Stand in Sanchin Dachi with arms in double Yoko Uke
Shiko Dachi Sanchin No Kamae Stand in Shiko Dachi with arms in double Yoko Uke (Sanchin posture)
Sanchin Dachi Seiken Zuki No Kamae Stand in Sanchin Dachi, extend fist into seiken zuki strike (posture of seiken zuki
Shiko Dachi Seiken Zuki No Kamae Stand in Shiko Dachi with arm extended into seiken posture
Sanchin Dachi Shuto UchiNo Kamae Stand in Sanchin Dachi with hand in shuto uchi position
Sanchin Dachi Furi Uchi No Kamae Stand in Sanchin Dachi with hand in furi uchi position
Heiko Dachi Keri No Kamae Stand in Haiko Dachi with hands in belts in preparation for kicking
Neko Ashi Dachi Neko Ashi No Kamae Stand in Neko Ashi (Cat Stance) Dachi with arms in sparring posture



Nihon-Go English
Seiunchin No Kamae Stand in Shiko Dachi with both hand in Osae Uke (push down block) position
Hari Uke No Kamae Stand in Shiko Dachi with arms positioned in the Hari Uke posture (Archer’s Block)
Yama Uke No Kamae Stand in Neko Ashi Dachi, with both hands in Yama Uke posture (Mountain Shape Block)
Inu No Kamae Stand in Shiko Dachi with both hands in Kakuto Uke posture (Crane Head), (Dog Posture)
Seipai No Kamae Stand in Shiko Dachi with both hands in shuto uchi posture
Tsuru No Kamae Stand in Neko Ashi Dachi with both hands extended to either side in Kakuto Uke (Crane Head) posture position (Dog Posture)
Kururunfa No Kamae Stand in Uchi Hachi Dachi with both arms extended to either side with hands in Shuto Uke posture. Kata posture



Nihon-Go English
Onegaishimasu Please instruct us
Domo Arigato Gozamashita Thank you for teaching us
Mo ichi do One more time
Gorei nashi Execute kata without command



Nihon-Go English
Age zuki Upward strike
Empi uchi Elbow strike
Furi uchi Whipping strike
Hiato uchi Ridge hand strike
Hiji ate Rising elbow strike
Kakuto ate Chicken neck strike
Mawashi uraken uchi Spinning backfist strike
Seiken mawashi tsuki Roundhouse punch
Seiken tsuki Reverse punch
Shita zuki Close punch
Shuto uchi Knife hand strike
Sto Chop
Teisho ate Palm heel strike
Tettsui uchi Hammer fist strike
Uraken uchi Backfist strike
Tate Ken Vertical Fist
Riken Back Fist
Hiato uchi Ridge hand strike
Hiji ate Rising elbow strike
Kakuto ate Chicken neck strike



Nihon-Go English
Kakato geri Heel kick
Kansetso geri Knee-joint kick
Kogen geri Groin kick
Mae geri Front kick
Mawashi ushiro geri Spinning back kick
Mikazuki geri Crescent kick
Sokuto geri Side kick
Ushiro geri Back kick
Yoko geri Round kick




Nihon-Go English
Age uke Rising block
Gedan bari Downward block
Haraiotoshi uke Downward sweeping block
Joge uke Double middle block
Ju ji uke "X" block
Kake uke Hooking block
Kakuto uke Chicken neck block
Mawashi uke Windmill block (circle block)
Osae uke Pressing block
Shuto uke Knife hand block
Soe uke Union block
Sto uke Chop block
Teisho uke Palm heel block
Tsukami uke Grasping block
Ude uke Forearm block
Ura uke Back hand block
Yama uke Mountain block
Yoko uke Side block



Nihon-Go English
Hachi Ji dachi Figure Eight stance
Heiko dachi Parallel stance
Heisoku dachi Fan shaped stance
Kokusto dachi Back Leaning stance
Musubi dachi Formal attention stance
Neko ashi dachi Cat stance
Re no ji dachi ‘Re’ (Check mark) stance
Sanchin dachi Tension stance
Shiko dachi Sumo stance
Zenkutso dachi Front stance



Nihon-Go English
Ji Yu Kumite Free Style sparring
Ran Geki Sparring without stance movement (toe-to-toe)
Yaku Soku Kumite Pre-arranged sparring (one-steps)
Zen Shin Zuki Body Shifting exercise
Shomen Front of the room



Nihon-Go English
Taikyoko Jodan, Chudan, and Gedan Beginning
Gekisai Ichi, Ni and San To attack and crush
Sanchin Three conflicts
Tensho Rotating Palm
Saifa To crush into pieces and destroy
Seiunchin To control by pulling inward
Sanseiru 36 Hand positions
Shisochin To defeat the four side
Seisan 13 hand positions
Seipai 18 hand positions
Kururunfa To remain still, then (suddenly) to crush and destroy
Suparrenpei (Petchurin) 108 meanings


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